The Top Beauty Treatments you can do NOW for 30s and 40s…

( some are new, some are tried and true!)

 Dear 30s and 40s,

It’s time to shake off the teen and 20s mindset of “I don’t have to do much to look my best”. Do you think that celebrities like Gwyneth and Jennifer are aging well? If you too want to appear to be “naturally ageless”, it will take some intelligent effort on your part. The good news is that there are effective, safe, easy, non-surgical, no downtime advancements to help you.


 If you have been naughty about limiting your sun exposure, all is not lost.

Photo Rejuvenation is an amazing no downtime method that reduces the most annoying, most common and first to appear signs of sun damage, namely brown spots and broken capillaries, enlarged pores and dull skin texture. Face, neck, chest, and arm treatment is popular and the improvement can be quite dramatic, even for the most neglected skin.

Although Photo Rejuvenation is a tried and true method, the machines used have undergone great improvements over the years. The up to date devices are more comfortable, more powerful and more versatile than the old ones.  Increased power and versatility means that more than ever that the person treating you makes a huge difference in your result and safety. Photo Rejuvenation is best performed by an MD with formal skin education, training and experience.


Early 30s – By this time you will begin to develop your earliest problem wrinkles. These will likely be the vertical “11’s” between your brows (aka “worry lines”), horizontal forehead lines or crows feet. These lines are due to years of excessive frowning, squinting or eyebrow raising. Such furrows are not only aging, but also can falsely make you appear to be angry or tired- Yuck! Appearing to be constantly tired, tense, haggard or angry is a disadvantage in your work and personal life.

Botox is the prime treatment for these upper face movement lines and will likely be your first in-office wrinkle intervention therapy.   It is not uncommon for men and women

seeking Botox treatment to mention that their students/children think that they are angry, when they are not.

Mid 30s– By this time you will start noticing movement wrinkles such as deep under eye creases, marionette lines, and smile lines. Temporary Fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, Belotero, Vollure, Voluma and sometimes Radiesse are standard options for these wrinkles. These substances are injected into the skin to replace the collagen loss that is resulting in the wrinkles.

Botox and fillers are the two of the most popular cosmetic therapies in the U.S. And for good reason, these injectable “lunchtime” treatments can yield dramatic albeit temporary improvement without surgery.

 Botox and Filler are best performed by a Board Certified Physican who has a thorough knowledge of facial anatomy and aesthetics.