Young women in their 20s are naturally vibrant and gorgeous. At this time it is most important for young women to develop a healthy skin regimen, beginning with daily sunscreen and doctor recommended, physician-strength home products. In our  20s, a healthy skin routine includes prevention of acne and protection from harmful UV rays.


Acne and acne scarring are two of the top concerns for people in their  20s. The ideal course of action for women with mild acne is to maintain a routine with a trusted skin care line, such as our “Sabetta MD BE Flawless” line, with the addition of occasional office visits for mild peels. Treatment for resistant acne on the face, chest or back would require a more aggressive approach. Our PDT Blue Light Series, combined with our intensive physician strength home product line, helps to erase resistant acne and reveal your most beautiful skin. Patients already seeing some acne scarring may consider Fractional Laser Resurfacing 1064nm for an effective treatment. For an optimal outcome, Dr. Sabetta uses the Palomar MaxG pulsed light device to reduce dark or red marks that remain from prior acne.

Playing in the sun in our 20s can be part of our everyday lives, and this is the time when we want to minimize or prevent sun damage before it starts! Studies of identical twins have shown the impact of UV exposure on the way we age. Our actions and choices have more influence on the way we age than we may think. Developing and maintaining a skincare routine and paying special attention to sun exposure is the first step in slowing the signs of aging – before they begin to appear.

Many teens and 20s are bothered by excessive or undesirable body or facial hair. Shaving or waxing coarse bikini area hair often leads to unsightly and uncomfortable ingrown hairs, pimples, cysts, scars and discolorations and must be constantly repeated! Laser Hair Removal by our experienced Dermatology RN using the new state of the art Vectus laser with Skin Intelligence SkinTel Melanin Reader is an amazing experience- effective, comfortable, fast, safe, and accurate for virtually every skin and hair type. For most patients, 6 treatments yields permanent significant reduction of hair.

Healthy Beauty Tips:

  • This is the time to develop great skin care habits to ensure that you will have no skin regrets in the future.
  • Use daily sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 and don’t forget to reapply frequently when outdoors.
  • If you are going to be outdoors for a long period of time, wear a hat or seek the shade to minimize your sun exposure.
  • To preserve your most beautiful skin and your health for years to come, skip the tanning bed!
  • If you must have that bronzed look, try self-tanning lotions.
  • Along with proper sun care, a skincare regimen is a must: wash your face twice daily, exfoliate weekly, and avoid picking your face!

If you have any questions about skincare, persistent acne, acne marks or scarring, talk to Dr. Julia Sabetta to determine the best treatment plan for your skin.

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