Photo-facial skin rejuvenation is the supreme treatment for uneven skin tone, age spots, unsightly facial veins, signs of sun damage and appearance of flushed skin. This treatment is one of the most requested cosmetic procedures in the US as it safely and effectively treats skin discoloration, the ubiquitous and first-to-appear sign of aging skin. Unsightly brown splotches and facial veins and broken capillaries are common, and commonly disliked by men and women of all ages! Photo-facial skin rejuvenation is effective treatment for reducing the appearance of age spots, facial veins, and other areas of uneven pigmentation. Photo-facial skin rejuvenation also revives your skin to a fresher, more youthful appearance achieving more even pigmentation and attractive skin tone. Women often report they no longer need to wear foundation make up after completion of their photo-facial rejuvenation procedures.
This safe pulsed light procedure is gentle, non-invasive and requires no medical downtime. Patients see improvements after their first treatment, but your best results may be seen after two or three sessions. Following treatment, patients can expect some temporary redness, which generally lasts 24 hours, but can range from a few hours to a few days depending on the severity of your condition or other factors. Brown spots flake off within 7-10 days.
Photo-Facial Skin Rejuvenation is a superior treatment for:
- Brown or age spots
- Red, purple or blue facial veins and broken capillaries
- Red flushed skin and rosacea
- Uneven or blotchy facial skin tone and texture
- Signs of sun damage and tired looking skin
- Enlarged pores
Why Choose Dr. Julia Sabetta For Photo-Facial Skin Rejuvenation?
Photo-facial skin rejuvenation can deliver impressive results especially in the hands of an experienced Dermatologist and Laser Surgeon like Dr. Julia Sabetta and especially when a stellar device is utilized like our Palomar Medical Max G and our Alma Harmony 515 and 570nm hand pieces. You may see the procedure offered outside of the medical setting and performed by a clinician as a series of as many as 6 treatments. However, it is only when performed by a skilled and experienced dermatological surgeon, like Dr. Julia Sabetta, that you’ll realize the maximum benefit of Photo-Facial Skin Rejuvenation. Dr. Sabetta uses her highly developed aesthetic sense and professional medical discretion to target treatment for each patient based on his or her personal concerns and problem areas. This ensures superior results.
Understanding More About Photo-Facial Skin Rejuvenation
Photo-Facial Skin Rejuvenation addresses the common, first-to-appear, and uniformly annoying aging issue of facial discolorations. Dr. Sabetta’s Palomar Medical’s Max G, widely considered the gold standard of Photo-Facial Skin Rejuvenation machines, delivers dual bands of light wavelengths for your best results and its cooling tip contributes increased safety and comfort. Alternatively, based on your particular needs, Alma Laser’s 515 and 570 nm pulsed light may be used alone or in combination by Dr. Julia Sabetta to quickly and gently treat your problem areas. Photo-Facial Skin Rejuvenation has no associated medical downtime. Yet, for best results it is important to refrain from sunburn and suntan for two weeks prior and two to four weeks post treatments. Patients frequently request Photo-Facial Skin Rejuvenation of the face, neck and chest, performed on the same day, to turn back the clock on their unsightly pigmentation and reduce the signs of sun damage!